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Paired-Tag Optimization - 16 Reaction Kit

$1 200.00
Units in product: 16
Price per unit: $75.00
Catalog No. PTO16101
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Paired-Tag Optimization - 16 Reaction Kit
Product Details
UPC: PTO16101
Brand: Optimization

The Single-Cell Cut&Tag Optimization - 16 Reaction Kit from Epigenome Technology provides all necessary materials to assess experimental parameters for single-cell quality. Designed to address critical issues such as nuclear extraction, permeabilization, and antibody efficiency and specificity, this kit ensures you determine the optimal protocol for single-cell profiling with certainty. With the capability to conduct large titration experiments (up to 32 reactions), you confidently identify appropriate antibodies and protocols to generate scCut&Tag-compatible libraries, and compare these existing bulk data to achieve unparalleled precision in your research.

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